Employee Transaction Policy Details


Employee Transaction Approvals Policy

Employee Transaction Policy Details

Add or Modify a Policy

Navigate to the Employee Transaction Approvals table.

  1. Add a policy or modify the existing policy prior to implementation of Employee self-service. 
  2. Code.  When adding, enter a Code (ten characters or less, no spaces or special characters).
  3. Active?  Confirm that Active is selected to make the code available.
  4. Description.  Enter a Description to describe the policy, such as Company Timesheet Routing.
  5. Optionally, limit this policy by company, location, department, pay group, and/or employment type.
  1. Transaction.  Choose the transaction type.

Routing Type and Approver

  1. Level 1 (required).  Select the first Routing Type, select Approver, and enter the Task Routing 1 Description, such as Supervisor Approval or Department Approval.
  2. Levels 2 through 6 have a routing type, approver, description, and "notify only" checkbox. Levels 2 through 6 are optional. To define an approval level, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter the task routing description.
  1. Level 2.  To define routing level 2, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 2 Description.
  2. Level 3.  To define routing level 3, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 3 Description.
  3. Level 4.  To define routing level 4: select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 4 Description
  4. Level 5.  To define routing level 5, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 5 Description
  5. Level 6.  To define routing level 6, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 6 Description


  1. Default Routing Supervisor.  Select the Default Routing Supervisor (required) to receive routing messages, such as DEFAULT, Default Supervisor. 
  2. Save.