Employee Tax Detail


The browse list on the online Employee Tax Detail shows the Tax Code followed by the Process Sequence number.

Fields on the Employee Tax Detail

For the selected employee and tax, values on the Employee Tax Detail are used for processing instead of the corresponding values on the Tax Code setup: Tax reciprocation, process sequence, and process payroll of the month checkboxes.

Selecting a tax code auto-populates the tax reciprocation field and the Process Payroll checkboxes as marked or cleared according to the setup on the Tax Codes Table for the Tax Code. These checkboxes are editable.

Note: Each Tax Detail record for an employee must have a different Process Sequence number compared to the other Tax Detail records for the employee. When a new tax detail is added online, the system adds one to the highest process sequence number in the employee's tax detail records and populates the Employee Tax Detail with that number.

No Tax Processing Rule

For standard tax processing, confirm that the "No Tax Processing Rule" checkboxes are clear.

For no tax processing determine whether either "Taxing Exempt" or "No Taxation" should be marked.

In some systems, the "No Tax" checkboxes may be view-only or hidden online.

Processing Information

If the employee has requested that additional tax be taken for this tax, enter the additional tax amount or additional tax percentage.

To withhold only an Additional Amount, enter the amount in Additional Tax Amount and enter 99 as the number of Exemptions.

To withhold a tax amount of zero, enter only the 99 as the number of Exemptions. In this case, the Wages should still are accumulated and included in the Taxable Wages.

Note: The Employee Tax Detail has a payroll constraint that requires an Additional Tax Amount to be a positive value or 0.00. A record with a negative value in the Additional Tax Amount field cannot be saved.

Note: The Employee Tax Detail has a payroll constraint that requires an Additional Tax Percent to be a positive value or 0.00. A record with a negative value in the Additional Tax Percent field cannot be saved.

Process Payroll 1?  Set this tax detail to process for every payroll with a 1 in the Payroll of the Month field on the Payroll Calendar.

Payroll 2?  Set this tax detail to process for every payroll with a 2 in the Payroll of the Month field on the Payroll Calendar.

Payroll 3?  Set this tax detail to process for every payroll with a 3 in the Payroll of the Month field on the Payroll Calendar.

Payroll 4?  Set this tax detail to process for every payroll with a 4 in the Payroll of the Month field on the Payroll Calendar.

Payroll 5?  Set this tax detail to process for every payroll with a 5 in the Payroll of the Month field on the Payroll Calendar.

Payroll Information

The Taxable Wage dollars for employee tax records continue to accumulate after any wage limits have been met that are defined on the Tax Codes Table for the Tax Code. Also, the Employee Taxable Wage dollars serve as the "true" total taxable wage amounts for reporting purposes.

Note: The system does not store negative employee taxable wage amounts for tax records that are processed using a percentage of another tax amount (i.e. SITAZ and local taxes).