Earnings Codes Table


Earnings Code for a Regular Earning

Fields on the Earnings Code Table

Processing Information

Enter the Earning Amount or Earning Percentage.

For instance, for an earning code entered to run checks for a standard company bonus of $500.25, enter 500.25 here for the BONUS code. Decimals are optional when entering a whole dollar amount.

1.0.   Where no rate factor is entered on the Earnings Code, pay entry assumes a rate factor of 1.0. However, some reporting may look specifically for a 1.0 rate factor, so entering the 1.0 rate factor on the Earnings code is a best practice if the intended rate factor is 1.0. Some workers compensation reporting and custom reports may disregard or calculate earnings with a rate other than 1.0.

Note: When defining Time Clock Transaction Codes for self-service online weekly timesheets and associated earnings, note that the setup of Time Clock Transaction Codes for overtime/ doubletime should have earnings codes with a rate factor of 1.0 due to calculations included in the self-service weekly timesheets.

Rate Factor Over 1.0.  A rate factor over 1 is often used with overtime earnings, such as 1.5 for time and a half and 2.0 for double time.

Rate Factor Under 1.0.  A rate factor under 1, such as 0.50 is sometimes used for overtime where hours for overtime are entered in addition to those for the online weekly timesheets).

Accumulator Processing

Payroll processing accumulators are SQL Stored Procedures formatted to accumulate specific amounts or hours. The first time that a new payroll accumulator is used, process the payroll through gross-to-net to initialize it.

Other Indicators

As with all checkboxes, if marked, the option is set to yes, and if left clear, the option is set to no.

For each earnings code, it is important to check the appropriate checkboxes in the other indicators section because these flags direct complex system processing to track earnings against related benefit eligibility, taxes, and hour accruals for several other compensations.

Tip Payment Processing

For accurate Tips and Service Charges in Minimum Wage Makeup processing, the Earning Codes Table includes a "Tips Payment Processing" row of checkboxes:

The "Tips Payment Processing" checkboxes can be selected or cleared even after an Earnings code is used.

Tax Authority

Update EE Taxable Wages

Each tax authority checkbox is designed to ask "Are the wages paid on this earning included in taxable wages for the correct calculation of taxes?" A selected checkbox indicates that this earning is included in the update totals for the taxable wages for the tax authority. Select the appropriate tax authorities for each earnings code.

Update ER Taxable Wages

Where an earning updates taxable wages for the employee tax, the earning often needs to update taxable wages for the equivalent employer tax.

Each tax authority checkbox for "Update ER Taxable Wages" is designed to ask "Are the wages paid on this earning included in the employer taxable wages for the correct calculation of taxes?" A selected checkbox indicates that this earning is included in the update totals for the employer taxable wages for the tax authority. Select the appropriate tax authorities for each earnings code.