Browse Tab

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The Browse details tab on a Master screen provides shortcuts to many of an individual's detail records.  

When you select the browse tab, you are locked into viewing details for the currently selected employee. To view records for another employee, select that employee from the upper navigation bar.

The available detail screens are listed in a panel on the left.

Access Detail Records from the Browse Details Tab

  1. From the Browse Details tab, choose a images\ess_ellipsis.jpg detail item to search for any corresponding detail records for the selected employee.

Where the employee has records for the selected detail, a row displays for each record.

In contrast, where the employee lacks detail records of this type, the words, "No records to display," display instead.

If no details are listed for the selected type, you can double-click on the folder for that detail to open the detail screen.

  1. To open a listed record in a shortcut window, click on its View hyperlink.

To close the shortcut window, click on the X in its upper-right corner.