Benefit Cost Bands


Benefit Cost Bands Table

Cost Bands Table (Found Online and Accessible from a Benefit Cost Code Marked as "Costs are Banded or Custom")

Fields on the Cost Bands Table

Access to benefit Cost Band Code table that the system uses is available online only. Login online through a web role such as Payroll & HR Enterprise. Open the Benefit Code, and then the Benefit Cost Code.  On the Benefit cost code, to display the button for Cost Bands, select the checkbox for "Band/Custom Cd", then click on the Cost Bands button to open the Cost Bands table. Select a record from the selection list at the top-right of the panel.

For Cost Band Codes, if there are different tables needed based on gender, tobacco use status, or zip code, define multiple records with the same Code value. This differs from the setup of many tables, which normally require a unique value by code. One Cost Band Code can be selected per Benefit Cost Code record, but all Cost Band records with the same Code value can be used by benefit processing for that record. This enables more robust setup of tables.

Cost Filters

Each cost band can be filtered to apply to only employees with the following demographic factors. By defining multiple Cost Band Codes, different cost tables can be defined to apply to these criteria. If you complete any cost filters, the setup may need additional Cost Band records. For instance, if a set of costs applies to males, a set of costs would typically be needed for females, and there may need to be another set of costs for any other gender designation found in the system.

Cost Rules

Cost Bands

Each cost band has the fields for years, associated costs, and any benefit amount limit for filtering whether the cost band applies. Use the small icons to add, edit, and delete these banding records as needed. When you add or edit, a separate screen opens up to enable defining the values. Since these are ranges, these do need to be listed in order from the lowest number of years (as low as 0 in some cases) to the greatest number of years (often 99 and sometimes 150).

Individual bands defined on a Cost Band record apply to years equal to or greater than the number of years entered. The Benefit Cost Code defines what years are used and how those years are calculated.

Note: The range of minimum and maximum benefit amounts for each band can be used to filter out the applicability of this cost band to a particular Employee Benefit Detail. Instead of just limiting the Benefit Amount for the cost band, entering the minimum and maximum can filter out plans with Benefit Amounts outside of the band definition.