Time Sheet Policy Setup


Time Sheet Policy

Time Sheet Policy Setup

Add or Modify a Time Sheet Policy

Navigate to the Time Sheet Policy table.

  1. Add a policy or modify the existing policy prior to implementation of the weekly timesheets. 
  2. Code.  When adding, enter a Code (ten characters or less, no spaces or special characters). 
  3. Active?  Confirm that Active is selected to apply the policy to time sheets.
  4. Description.  Enter a Description to describe the policy, such as Company Timesheet Routing.
  5. Optionally, limit this policy by company, location, department, pay group, and/or employment type.
  1. Company (optional).  Select the Company to limit the policy to one company.
  2. Location (optional).  Select a Location to limit the policy to one location.
  3. Department (optional).  Select a Department to limit to one department.
  4. Pay Group (optional).  Select a Pay Group to limit the policy to one pay group.
  5. Emp. Type (optional).  Select a Emp. Type to limit the policy to employees with one employment type.

Time Sheet Defaults and Controls















Week Days and Numbers

A standard 8-hour workday is 480 minutes. Day 1 is Sunday; 2, Monday; 3, Tuesday; 4, Wednesday; 5, Thursday; 6, Friday; and 7, Saturday.

Note that where the week ending time and week starting time are on different days, the week ending day will differ. 

  1. Hours Code. Select an Hours Code (required) from the standard Time Clock Transaction codes.  Typically, the code 01, Regular Hours, is selected.
  2. Define controls and defaults.
  1. Day 1 through 7.  Enter the default number of minutes worked for each day of the week (required). When a policy applies to an employee, the number of minutes per day override any default hours entered by the employee.

A standard 8-hour workday is 480 minutes, which may display as 4:80 on the online version of the Time Sheet Policy.

  1. Daily Controls.  Define Daily Controls (required) for Min. minutes, Max. minutes, and Expense $ amounts. For instance, these are common values for daily controls: 240, 600, and 100.00
  2. Weekly Controls.  Define Weekly Controls (required) for Min. minutes, Max. minutes, Expense $ amounts. For instance, these are common values for weekly controls: 1200, 2880, and 500.00.
  3. Verify Available Hours? To cause a verification of timesheet hours against available-hours balances, select the Verify Available Hours checkbox.
  4. Accept Overtime Hours?To cause processed timesheets to include any overtime hours entered, select the Accept Overtime Hours checkbox.

Routing Type and Approver

  1. Level 1 (required).  Select the first Routing Type, select Approver, and enter the Task Routing 1 Description, such as Supervisor Approval or Department Approval.   
  2. Levels 2 through 6 have a routing type, approver, description, and "notify only" checkbox. Levels 2 through 6 are optional.
  1. Level 2.  To define routing level 2, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 2 Description.
  2. Level 3.  To define routing level 3, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 3 Description.
  3. Level 4.  To define routing level 4: select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 4 Description
  4. Level 5.  To define routing level 5, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 5 Description
  5. Level 6.  To define routing level 6, select Routing Type, select Approver, and enter Task Routing 6 Description


  1. Default Routing Supervisor.  Select the Default Routing Supervisor (required) to receive routing messages, such as DEFAULT, Default Supervisor. 
  2. Save.