Pay Grid Entry Instructions


Navigate to the pay entry grid.

Grid Time Entry Setup

Pay Grid Entry

On-Screen Instructions: Select the columns for the Time Entry Grid.

The pay entry grid opens to the first setup page. The first two pages define the grid and the employee listing.

  1. Define at least one row. Choose Hours or Comp. as the Type for the first column (required). Choose the Earning. The Earning field's selections populate from the Earnings Codes Table. Enter a Default number if preferred.

Define remaining columns as preferred or leave remaining columns blank. Choose the Type (Hours, Comp., or Deduction) and choose the corresponding Earning or Deduction code. Select an earning for "Hours" or "Comp." type, or select a deduction for the "Deduction" type. Enter a default number if preferred.

  1. Scroll down, and click Next.

On-Screen Instructions: Select the layout, sorting, and filtering preferences for the Time Entry Grid.

  1. Select the layout settings as desired.
  1. Define the filter settings as needed. Apply a Location Filter, Department Filter, and/or Pay Group Filter as needed.
  2. Click Next.

On-Screen Instructions: Enter the time data for each Employee.

  1. Enter values for employees per column as needed. You can use the tab key to move from field to field in the grid.
  2. To override labor distributions, work state, or tax locality, click on the OVR button, complete the overrides, and click OK.
  3. To view the next page, click Next. Repeat steps 7 through 9 until the totals page displays. (To return to grid pay entry setup page 2, click Start Over.)

On-Screen Instructions: Review the Time Entry totals.

  1. Review the totals. Totals display per column, and subtotals are grouped by labor distribution.
  2. To continue, click Next.

On-Screen Instructions: Select the Pay Calendar and post the time.

  1. Finalize the employee grid time data by defining the payroll information.
  1. Payroll Calendar. Select the Payroll Calendar for this time.
  2. Check Code. Select the Check Code.
  3. User Group Code. Type the User Group Code (optional with three character limit.)
  4. Create Minimum Wage Makeup? Minimum Wage Earning Code. Choose whether or not to enable makeup minimum wage calculations. To enable makeup minimum wage calculations, select the checkbox for Create Minimum Wage Makeup and select or verify the Minimum Wage Earning Code.
  5. Min Wage Overtime. For pay grid entry that includes overtime earnings for tipped employees who have a standard pay rate that is less than minimum wage, such as some restaurant employees, also select the earning for the minimum wage overtime code: Min Wage Overtime (earning code for overtime processing based on a calculated regular rate of pay). The rate factor used will be from the selected overtime earnings code.
  6. Delete Previous Time Grid Data? Optionally, choose to delete the processed grid time for the same payroll calendar and other criteria by selecting the checkbox for Delete Previous Time Grid Data.

Note: Do not select this option if you are entering time by location or department.

  1. Post EE Grid Time Data. To finalize the time, click on Post EE Grid Time Data. (You may return to the previous page by clicking on Back.) A dialog box prompts, "Are you sure you wish to finalize this time data."
  2. Click on OK to continue and finalize the time data. Result: The finalize grid time data process initiates. When the processing completes, the grid pay entry screen closes. The time is available from the pay entry spreadsheet.

Results of Finalized Grid Time

The processed time migrates to the pay entry spreadsheet for the selected payroll calendar. Time, pay, and deduction information entered through the grid may be modified or deleted per employee and row on the pay entry spreadsheet.

Advanced Scenarios

Multiple Batches

>Multiple batches of grid time may be processed for the same payroll.

Delete Previous Batch Option

A user may opt to delete a similar batch of grid time when processing a similar set of time (payroll calendar, user group code, etc.). Do not opt to delete the previous batch if you are entering time by location or department.

Troubleshooting Grid Time Entry

This section provides solutions to common issues related to grid time entry.

A validation error says that a deduction or an earning is required.

Q: At the bottom of the screen, a red message displays "Column 10 – Deduction Code is required." A yellow message displays at the top of the screen"****Validation errors! Please correct errors before continuing.****"

A: Each selected type requires a corresponding earning or deduction. Select a deduction for the deduction type. Select an earning for Hours or a Comp. type.

Sort Field 1 cannot be the same as Sort Field 2.

Q: When I click on next on the first page of the setup, a red message displays: "Sort Field 1 cannot be the same as Sort Field 2."

A: Two sort field selections are the same. Change one and make sure not to duplicate the sort field selections.

I cannot return to Page 1 of the Setup.

Q: I cannot return to the first page of grid time entry to define the columns and defaults.

A: Click on the Back button, to return to a panel with the Start Over button. Click on Start Over.