Add an Employee Detail

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Employee Details

Required Fields


Add detail records instead of editing existing detail records when appropriate.

Detail screens collect data records by subject for employees. Multiple records may be associated with a single employee on a detail screen.

When an additional Detail record is added, the original records and the new record are available for payroll and personnel reporting.


Add Icon

Note:  Some organizations opt to prohibit employee's from editing their own master and detail records except through employee self-service or on the Employee Out of Office Detail. If this control is activated for your organization, and you need to change your own records, ask another user to add, edit, or delete records as needed.

  1. Access the screen.
  2. Select the Employee. Browse for the Employee by clicking on the Next and Previous arrows on the navigation bar. If you have the image\ess_ellipsis.jpgsearch button next to the Employee(s) field, you can search for a list of employees.
  3. Click on theAdd icon. This changes the mode of the screen to accept data (add mode).
  4. Select entries, and type in text fields as needed. Enter as much information as possible and complete all required fields (indicated by an orange line). Only use each identifying Code once per employee for a particular  detail screen per employee.

From add mode, save to keep the record, or cancel to stop before saving.

  1. To save, click on the Save icon. The system prompts: Do you wish to save this record?Click OK to save. The system flags invalid and missing required entries. Correct as needed, and click on Save again.

More About Adding Records

In most cases, only one record per code and date range is permitted. A verification process when a record is saved helps reduce redundancy and processing errors.