Transaction Routing Types

Three routing types can be selected from approval tables for Time Sheet Policy and Employee Transaction Approvals.

Routing Types and Approvers

Routing Type



When the SUPERVISOR routing type and approver are selected, the transaction is sent to one supervisor determined by the selected Supervisor Code for the step.  Supervisors are defined on the Supervisor Codes Table. 


When the TIERMGR (tier manager) routing type is selected, the approver is the employee’s tier manager (a supervisor) for the level defined by the selections.  A tier manager is assigned to a Supervisor Code before being assigned as the manager of a tier.

The options for TIERMGR approval entities reference the employee’s position within the organizational structure.  For a particular employee, the relevant tier codes (and therefore tier manager) are seen on the Organization tab within the Employee Master, with the exception of the employee’s direct supervisor, who is assigned on the Assignment tab. 


When the WORKGROUP type is selected, the entire workgroup receives the transaction, but only one member of the workgroup needs to approve the transaction before the step is considered approved.  When one member of the workgroup approves the transaction, it is routed to the next step.

A member of a workgroup is required to be an employee within the database but does not need to be a supervisor.  Workgroups are defined on the Workgroup Codes Table. Employees are assigned to workgroups on the EE Workgroup Assignment window that is available from the Employee ESS PIN Detail. 


For the TIERMGR routing type and a routing step, one of the following approval entities (approvers) may be selected: