Employee Earnings Detaile


Earnings Detail

Employee Earnings Detail

Fields on the Earnings Detail

Processing Information

If the Earnings Code has a defined Earning Amount and/or Earning Percentage fields on the Earnings Codes Table, those amounts populate the Earnings Detail and can be edited.

For instance, if an earning code is entered to run checks for a standard company bonus of $1,000.00, you would enter 1000.00 using no symbols ($), or comma (,) separators.

Where Verify Available Hours is enforced for the selected Earnings Code on its validation table, then the employee's Available Hours amount is used during payroll-processing to determine if the employee has the available hours needed to pay the earning.  Having too few available hours can result in an earning failing to process.

The Begin and End dates determine if the employee earning is eligible to process during the payroll run (as defined by the Payroll Calendar's effective dates).

Payroll Information