Position Codes Table


Online View

Position Code (Example)

For budget control of pay, position control sets and maintains a budget per position. Per Position code on the Position Codes Table, the dollars for calculations of budgeted, actual, and variance dollars.

Fields on the Position Codes Table

Position Information

Budgeted, Actual, and Variance Columns

The grid for Budgeted, Actual, and Variance, is for budgeting. In this section, each column is defined, and the next section of this topic defines each row.

Budgeted, Actual, and Variance Rows

Complete the fields in the Budgeted column: Slots, FTEs, Dollars, and Hours. Review the system-generated Actual and Variance entries for Slots, FTEs, Dollars, and Hours.

For instance, a company may have 5 FTEs for a particular position code that is half-time, and may have 10 Slots (and employees) to fill that position.

For instance, if a position has 2 FTEs and the Payroll Mode is BIWEEKLY (Bi-Weekly Payroll with Bi-Weekly Pay Amount), then a position paying $800.00 bi-weekly needs 1600.0 budgeted dollars, which is 2 x $800.00.

For instance, if a position has 2 FTEs and a Payroll Mode of BIWEEKLY (Bi-Weekly Payroll with Bi-Weekly Pay Amount), typically the correct entry for budgeted Hours would be 160.00, which is 2 x 80 hours in a bi-weekly pay period.

Actual and variance amounts display based on employees who are assigned to the position code that is being viewed.

Position Information, Right Column

Position Information, Right Column

At a future date, if a position is terminated, return to the Position Codes Table and edit the corresponding Position Code.

Labor Segments

Note:  The SPLIT Labor Segment 1 Code is normally reserved for use during detailed pay entry. However, on an Employee Position Detail, a Labor Segment 1 of SPLIT can be selected to keep a corresponding Employee Pay Rate Detail from being created.