Tax Agency Codes

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About Codes

E-File Data Screen

Federal EIN  

Tax Agency Rates Table


Over 3,000 tax-payment agencies are loaded into the system. A Tax Agency is needed for each of the payroll taxes that a company is responsible for and all taxes withheld from employees as part of payroll processing. After the company's tax agencies are verified, the organization only needs to add tax agencies for any new tax liabilities incurred.

Tax Agency codes are per Company code and define the corporate Tax ID per agency.

Typically, access to the validation table for Tax Agency codes is unavailable through the web portals.

From the Tax Agency Codes Table, the Rates button provides a shortcut to the Tax Agency Rate Table.

Payment Information:  Company legal names for tax filing are separated from DBA names that some companies print on checks.

Federal EIN

The Federal EIN for any company is the Tax ID for the Tax Agency Code where the record has the "Defined Federal Dep Record" option selected and has that company's Company Code selected. Having the button for Defined Federal Dep Record selected designates the tax record as the controlling record causing the due rules defined on this record to be used by all records that have the Use Federal Deposit Rule button selected.

Tax Payment Information

A tax agency is treated like a special vendor where liabilities for taxes always are escrowed for payment. A Tax Agency code is used to complete each Tax Code.  

To optimize tax-processing and tax-reporting efficiency, all tax agency payments are escrow items. The tax liabilities created during payroll processing are escrowed and are later paid to the Tax Agency by an Enterprise Administrator.

The "Tax Payment Information" section defines the type of payment to be generated. For ACH payments, payment information includes the Bank Account and Transit Number of the tax agency to define the agency's Bank Transit Code and Account number, and also the Addenda (from the Tax Addenda Format Table) for the ACH.


Please verify the tax agency information used by your organization. Payment remittance may need to be sent to a different address. Organizations may have different remittance or reporting addresses and may require different addresses due to the location of the Company Code. Be sure that all tax agencies that are being used, were used, or are planned for use, have a Company Code selected and confirm the company's tax ID per Tax Agency.

Add additional codes for multi-company systems.

Verify the setup of all tax agencies, including these: