Benefit Hours Accrual Codes Table


Hours Accrual Code

Benefit Hours (Time Off) Accrual Codes Table

Fields on the Hours Accrual Codes Table

EE Accrual Information

The three EE Accrual Information option buttons are "Use Hours Paid, "Only EEs Paid," and "All Pay Group EEs." Select one. For "Use Hours Paid," also define the minimum and maximum hours worked. For all policies, select the employment date type to begin the accrual and define when the accrual hours are eligible for use.

Accrual Frequency

The accrual frequencies also are affected by the settings in the EE Accrual Information section. For instance, if "Only EEs Paid" is selected in the EE Accrual Information section, and a particular employee is not paid in a particular payroll, that employee will not accrue hours, even if the accrual frequency applies to the payroll.

Having the "New Month Period" checkbox selected causes accrual processing to look at whether the Payroll Calendar has "New Month Period" and "Process Hours Accrual" selected.

Having only the "Process Hours Accrual" checkbox selected here causes accrual processing to look only for the "Process Hours Accrual" selection on the Payroll Calendar.

Note: Where the Monthly option is selected with "Process Hours Accrual," be sure that the Payroll Calendars of the month that shouldn't process the accruals have the "Process Hours Accrual" checkbox cleared.

Where the Monthly option is selected with "New Month Period," edit the Payroll Calendars as needed to have "New Month Period" selected for the appropriate Payroll Calendars.

Reset Hours

In the "Reset Hours" section, choose to "never reset" hours or choose one of the options to reset the accrual hours to the carry-over hour, if any. Any reset occurs on the month and day that falls in between the payroll begin and end dates (not based on check date).

Available Balance Transfer Info

Hours Accrual Chart

Define up to twelve accrual levels per accrual policy. Each level is defined on a different row based on the number of months of service entered. Enter these from lowest to highest.

Some policies have a single level of accrual and would only have a row for 9999 months of service.

Others have multiple levels. For instance, less than or equal to 12 for the first row, all of the interim rows, and 9999 for the level with the greatest number of months.

If employees don't accrue any hours the first year, enter the first accrual row starting with 12 months and 0 rates for the other fields in the row.

For the last row that you define in the accrual table, enter 9999 to represent infinity in the "< + Months" field.

Rate computations are based on the length of service according to the policy's accrual begin date.

Length of service is calculated by the accrual begin date (based on accrual begin date for the policy and the corresponding date on the Employee Master for the employee), less the pay period end date, and compared to the number of months in the Less than or Equal Months field.


Where the "Carry over is Available Max" checkbox is selected, then the C/O Max defined in the accrual chart is the available-hours maximum balance.

Other Indicators

How to Define Recurring Available Hours Balance Limits (Optional)

The C/O is Maximum is the Available Max Amt checkbox on the Hours Accrual Codes Table allows an organization to re-define carry-over maximums (C/O Max entries) to be applied as recurring available-hours balance limits every payroll.

Those paid time-off policies that have available-hours balance limits instead of carry-over limits, typically will place no limits on total maximums and will never reset the hours accrued. For such policies, use these three settings when defining the hours-accrual policy on the Hours Accrual Codes Table:

  1. Select the checkbox for "Carry Over is Available Max."
  2. Select the option for Never Reset to preserve the hours from being reset.
  3. For each row with a Less than or Equal Months entry, enter 99999.00 for each Total Max entry to remove maximum limits from the Hours Accrual policy.