Document Icons


A variety of icons are available for the online company policies and documents. When each folder and file is added, the icon is a required selection.

The "foldr" icon for folders and the "docs" icon for files are two standard options.

The following list has each icon description followed by an illustration of that icon.


  1. about              
  2. account            
  3. accountspay        
  4. accountsrec        
  5. add                
  6. addadmin           
  7. addbk              
  8. adddatabase        
  9. addrecord          
  10. addscript          
  11. addtable           
  12. addtocart          
  13. addtrans           
  14. adduser            
  15. adfav              
  16. administrator      
  17. apps               
  18. assets             
  19. atm                
  20. auction            
  21. back               
  22. bank               
  23. barchart           
  24. bid                
  25. billing            
  26. bkupdatabase       
  27. bonds              
  28. cal                
  29. calc               
  30. cancl              
  31. cash               
  32. category           
  33. cd                 
  34. chart              
  35. checkin            
  36. checking           
  37. checkout           
  38. close              
  39. collateral         
  40. confg              
  41. connect            
  42. copy               
  43. copyrecord         
  44. credit             
  45. creditcard         
  46. currency           
  47. cut                
  48. database           
  49. debit              
  50. deladmin           
  51. deldatabase        
  52. deletetrans        
  53. deleteuser         
  54. delrecord          
  55. delscript          
  56. deltable           
  57. deposit            
  58. disconnect         
  59. docs               
  60. down               
  61. edit               
  62. editadmin          
  63. editdatabase       
  64. editrecord         
  65. editscript         
  66. edittable          
  67. edittrans          
  68. edituser           
  69. exp                
  70. exportdata         
  71. fastf              
  72. favs               
  73. fax                
  74. fees               
  75. fields             
  76. filter             
  77. find               
  78. findagain          
  79. first              
  80. flag               
  81. foldr              
  82. forms              
  83. forwd              
  84. fraud              
  85. games              
  86. giftcert           
  87. go                 
  88. group              
  89. hd                 
  90. help               
  91. hist               
  92. home               
  93. image              
  94. importdata         
  95. impt               
  96. insurance          
  97. interest           
  98. invest             
  99. invoice            
  100. last               
  101. ledger             
  102. lgicn              
  103. liabilities        
  104. linegraph          
  105. link               
  106. loan               
  107. lock               
  108. mail               
  109. merchant           
  110. mortgage           
  111. move               
  112. music              
  113. new                
  114. next               
  115. notep              
  116. ntwrk              
  117. open               
  118. opts               
  119. paint              
  120. paste              
  121. pause              
  122. phone              
  123. picts              
  124. piechart           
  125. play               
  126. prefs              
  127. previous           
  128. print              
  129. printmailinglabels
  130. printrecord        
  131. prtpv              
  132. purchase           
  133. reconcile          
  134. record             
  135. redo               
  136. ref                
  137. relationships      
  138. remov              
  139. removecart         
  140. reports            
  141. restdatabase       
  142. rewnd              
  143. runscript          
  144. sale               
  145. savas              
  146. save               
  147. savings            
  148. script             
  149. security           
  150. shipping           
  151. signin             
  152. signout            
  153. sinfo              
  154. skipb              
  155. skipf              
  156. smicn              
  157. sortbydate         
  158. sortbyname         
  159. sortbyquantity     
  160. splay              
  161. srch               
  162. stocks             
  163. stop               
  164. table              
  165. tax                
  166. timer              
  167. tools              
  168. transaction        
  169. trash              
  170. ulock              
  171. undo               
  172. up                 
  173. user               
  174. user2              
  175. web                
  176. wiretransfer       
  177. withdrawal         
  178. wiz                
  179. zoomi              
  180. zoomo