Contact Resources

Related Topic

Location Codes


Resource contacts for employee self-service are defined on the Contact Resources table.

Define Contact Resources

  1. Add a record.
  2. Code.  Type the Code of ten characters or less with no spaces or special characters.
  3. Active.  Select the Active checkbox to make the record active in the system.
  4. ESS Group Name.  Type the ESS Group Name. The ESS Group Name provides a sub-heading for self-service resource contact information. Identical ESS Group Names group contacts and different ESS Group Names separate contacts.
  5. Company Code.  Optionally, select the company to apply the contact information to one company.
  6. Location Code.  Optionally, select the location to apply the contact information to only one location.
  7. Define the contact information.
  1. Contact Name.  Type the full name of the person to contact. Among records with identical ESS Group Names, resource contact information lists alphanumerically by Contact Name.
  2. Phone.  Type phone number of the person to contact.   
  3. Fax.  Type the fax number for the person to contact.  
  4. Email.  Type the email address of the person to contact.
  1. Save.