Auto Create Time Entry

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Create Auto Pays


With the AutoCreateTimeEntry validation table, a Pay Group can be assigned a set of up to ten earnings, significantly automating time entry and simplifying auto pay setup for use with the Auto Pays Wizard.

Users can define sets of auto-pay earnings per Company, per Pay Group, and even per Tier 1 and Tier 2, instead of individual, per employee, auto-pays.

Where an employee has an individually defined Employee Auto Pay Detail record that is effective and has the same Earnings Code and Check Code as one of the AutoCreateTimeEntry earnings, the employee-level detail record overrides that row of earnings and marks the row with the User Group Code from the detail.

Results of Creating Auto Pays

Create auto payments (the Auto Pays Wizard) generates pay entry records based on AutoCreateTimeEntry and Employee Auto Pays.

The Auto Pays Wizard generates auto pays based on AutoCreateTimeEntry Validation and Employee Auto Pay Details for the selected Pay Group and Payroll Calendar.

Until a user completes the Create Auto Pays Process for the Pay Group and Payroll Calendar, the auto pays are not added to pay entry.

For all auto pays:
For auto pays from AutoCreateTimeEntry: