Datasets for Web Query

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For ad-hoc web query reporting, two different sets of datasets exist: one is the Dataset Web Query and the other is the Ad-Hoc Web Query.

The Payroll role can access the Dataset Web Query, and the Payroll & HR role and Payroll & HR Enterprise role often can access both web queries.

Different sets of dataset items are available through different parts of the application and to different web roles.

Another set of dataset items is defined for use with the online notification templates.

Dataset Web Query

Where available, the Dataset web query enables a query by standard datasets including payroll earnings, deductions, net pays, taxes, or employee master files.

  1. Employee Deductions Detail.  This dataset shows deduction information from Employee Deduction Detail records.
  2. Current YTD Earnings.  The current, year-to-date earnings.
  3. Employee Benefit Hour Earnings.  This dataset shows earnings for plans that accrue hours, such as PTO or Vacation.
  4. Prior YTD Earnings.  The year-to-date earnings for the prior year.
  5. Employee Benefit Detail.  Information from Employee Benefit Detail records.
  6. Employee NetPay Detail.  Information from Employee Net Pay Detail records.
  7. Employee Tax Detail.  Information from Employee Tax Detail records.
  8. Employee Master File.  Information from Employee Master records.
  9. YTD Deduction Summary.  The year-to-date deduction summary by deduction code. Per employee information is excluded.
  10. YTD Earnings Summary.  The year-to-date earnings summary by earning code. Per employee information is excluded.
  11. YTD Net Pay Summary.  The year-to-date net pay summary by net pay code. Per employee information is excluded.
  12. YTD Tax Summary.  The year-to-date tax summary by tax code. Per employee information is excluded.

Ad-Hoc Query

Where available, the Ad-Hoc web query enables a query by an expanded list of system tables.

  1. ARC_BENEFITS.  Benefit information from posted payrolls.  
  2. ARC_DEDUCTIONS.  System payroll history archive table containing deduction information from posted payrolls.  
  3. ARC_EARNINGS.  System payroll history archive table containing earning information from posted payrolls.  
  4. ARC_NACHA.  Payroll history archive table for NACHA records.  
  5. ARC_NETPAY.  Payroll history archive table for net payment records.
  6. ARC_PAYMASTER.  System payroll history archive table per payroll with employee information including tier assignments and default labor distributions.
  7. ARC_PAYMENTS.  System payroll history archive table including detailed payment information per employee.
  8. ARC_PAYROLLDISTR.  System payroll history archive table including paid labor distributions per payroll calendar.
  9. ARC_REPORT940.  System payroll history archive table for the 940 tax type.
  10. ARC_REPORT941.  System payroll history archive table for the 941 tax type.
  11. ARC_TAXES.  System payroll history archive table containing tax information from posted payrolls.  
  12. ARC_TAXVNDPAYMENT.  System payroll history archive table.
  13. ARC_TIME.  System payroll history archive table containing pay entry information for posted payrolls.
  14. ARC_WARNINGS.  System payroll history archive table showing pay run messages/warnings.
  15. PAY_ANNUALTAXFORM.  W-2 and Form 1099-MISC information based on the latest year-end tax processing.
  16. PAY_DEDUCTIONS.  Employee deduction details.
  17. PAY_EARNINGS. Employee earning details.
  18. PAY_PAYRATES.  Employee pay rate details.
  19. PAY_SUBMITPAYRUN. Payroll posting and reset processing dates and times and the date that a payroll was processed. All payroll dates (scheduled pay run dates) display as 12:00:00. Comments are listed as 0 or 100.
  20. PAY_TAXES.  Employee tax detail information.
  21. PER_ASSETS.  Employee asset information details.
  22. PER_ASSIGNMENT.  Employee assignment tab information.
  23. PER_ATTENDANCE.  Employee attendance detail information.
  24. PER_AUTOPAYS.  Employee auto pay details.
  25. PER_BENEFITS.  Employee benefit details.
  26. PER_COMPENSATION.  Employee compensation tab information.
  27. PER_CONTACTS.  Employee contact details.
  28. PER_DEMOGRAPHICS.  Employee demographics tab information.
  29. PER_EDUCATION.  Employee education code information.
  30. PER_EMPLOYMENT.  Employee employment tab information.
  31. PER_EMPLOYMENTHISTORY.  Employee employment history information.
  32. PER_I9 DATA.  Employee I-9 data information.
  33. PER_MASTER.  Employee Master tab information.
  34. PER_OFFICIALDOCS.  Employee official documents information.
  35. PER_ORGANIZATION.  Employee organization tab information.
  36. PER_OUTOFOFFICE.  Employee out-of-office detail information.
  37. PER_PENDTRX.  Pending transactions.
  38. PER_EMPLOYMENTHISTORY.  Employee employment history details.
  39. PER_SALARY.  Employee salary detail information.
  40. PER_TERMINATION.  Employee termination detail information.
  41. PER_TK_ATTENDANCE.  Employee attendance tab information.
  42. UTL_ANNOUNCEMENTS.  Announcement table information.
  43. UTL_ATTACHMENTS.  Attachment information.
  44. UTL_INVOICES.  Payroll invoice information.
  45. VAL_ACH.  Bank account codes table information.
  47. VAL_ASSETCODES.  Asset validation table information.
  48. VAL_ATTENDANCE_CODES.  Attendance validation table information.
  49. VAL_ATTENDANCE_TYPE.  Attendance type validation table information.
  50. VAL_BANKCODES.  Bank codes shows Bank Account information.
  51. VAL_BENEFITS.  Benefits validation table information.
  52. VAL_CHECKCODES.  Check code validation table information.
  53. VAL_COMPETENCY.  Competency code validation table information.
  54. VAL_CONTACTCODES.  Contact code validation table information.
  55. VAL_COVERAGECODE.  Coverage code validation table information.
  56. VAL_DEDUCTIONS.  Deductions code validation table information.
  57. VAL_DEGREECODES.  Degree code validation table information.
  58. VAL_EARNINGS.  Earnings code validation table information.
  59. VAL_GLACCOUNTS.  General ledger account code validation table information.
  60. VAL_HOLIDAYCODES.  Holiday code validation table information.
  61. VAL_INVOICEITEMS.  Invoice item code validation table information.
  62. VAL_JOBCODES.  Job code validation table information.
  63. VAL_JOBGROUPING.  Job grouping code validation table information.
  64. VAL_LABORSEG1CODES.  Labor segment 1 code validation table information.
  65. VAL_LABORSEG2CODES.  Labor segment 2 code validation table information.
  66. VAL_LABORSEG3CODES.  Labor segment 3 code validation table information.
  67. VAL_LABORSEG4CODES.  Labor segment 4 code validation table information.
  68. VAL_NETPAYS.  Net pay code validation table information.
  69. VAL_PAYCALENDAR.  Payroll calendar code validation table information.
  70. VAL_PAYCD_TO_EARNINGCD.  Map pay codes to earnings codes table for time import mapping.
  71. VAL_PAYGROUP.  Pay group code validation table information.
  72. VAL_POSITIONCODES.  Shift codes.
  73. VAL_SALARYGRADES.  Salary Grade codes.
  74. VAL_SHIFTCODES.  Shift codes.
  75. VAL_SUPERVISORCODES.  Supervisor codes.
  76. VAL_TK_DEPARTMENTS.  Department codes.
  77. VAL_TK_LOCATIONS.  Location codes.
  78. VAL_TIER3.  Tier 3 codes.
  79. VAL_TIER4.  Tier 4 codes.
  80. VAL_VENDORS.  Vendor codes.
  81. WRK_ACCUMBYCHECK.  Accumulated amounts by payroll accumulator for un-posted payrolls that are in gross-to-net.
  82. WRK_DEDUCTIONS.  Gross-to-net work table for deduction amounts for un-posted payrolls.
  83. WRK_EARNINGS.  Gross-to-net work table for earning amounts for un-posted payrolls.
  84. WRK_GENLEDGER.  Work table to report on general ledger.
  85. WRK_NETPAY.  Gross-to-net work table for net pay. Shows payments and voids and includes net pay information for un-posted payrolls that are in gross-to-net.
  86. WRK_PAYMASTER.  Gross-to-net work table. Shows payments and voids for un-posted payrolls that are in gross-to-net.