Employee Competency Reporting Details


Competency Reporting

Filtering Competency Reporting

Competency reporting provides access to multiple on-screen filtering options.

The screen can be in "Direct Reports" mode or "All Employees" mode. When viewing direct reports, "Direct reports of [supervisor name]" displays at the top.

Results and Links on Competency Reporting

Results are listed per employee and talent profile.

For additional information about the view-only Rating panel available from the Employee Name link, refer to the following rating section.  

>> Talent Assessment Summary:  Launch from the Name

In the Employee Name column, each underlined employee name links to any Talent Assessment for the employee. Click on the Employee Name link to launch the talent assessment.  

The summary of the talent assessment displays. Columns include Talent Profile, Overall Rating, and Gap.  The Date Completed (if any) is at the bottom of the summary.  

Performance Management (menu) > Competency Reporting > Employee Name link (on the First Name and Last Name)

Talent Assessment Results (View Only)

>>> Talent Assessment Rating (Star Ratings)

From the Talent Assessment, each Talent Profile's link launches the Rating panel.

Performance Management (menu) > Competency Reporting > Employee Name link > Talent Profile link

Rating Competencies

Star Ratings

Competencies are rated by star ratings.  Each competency category has three rows of ratings.

Gap Analysis

Based on the average rating and target rating, a gap analysis displays. The upper gap number is the difference between the average and your rating. The lower gap number is the difference between the target and your rating.


Notes auto-fill based on your selected rating and setup for that rating. When you are completing a rating, you can edit the pre-defined notes as needed.

Save when you complete a rating or make a change to a rating.

> Rating (Launch from a View Link)

For reviews with results, the "View" link provides a detailed view of rating information.

If the title bar indicates it is View Only, the screen can be viewed but not edited.  

Performance Management (menu) > Competency Reporting > View link

Rating Results (View Only)


Each category is listed with the total rating, average rating, and target rating.


+  If the average is more than the target rating, then the gap is positive.

-   If the average is less than the rating, the gap is negative.