Earnings for PTO and Attendance

Related Topics

Attendance Codes

Benefit Hours Accrual Codes

Earnings Codes

Validation Tables


Several of the fields on the Earning Codes Table directly relate to attendance tracking. Instead of adding Codes to this table, it may only be necessary to edit the fields that directly relate to attendance tracking.

Precondition:  Before defining an Earnings Code for a PTO Benefit, verify or setup the parameters for the Hours Accrual Code on the Hours Accrual Codes Table.

Add an Earning Code for Attendance Tracking

NAVIGATION: Company> Validation Tables> Earnings Table

  1. Navigate to the Earning Code for Attendance tracking.  Edit.
  2. Select an Attendance Code from the drop down list of available codes. When hours are paid on an Earning Code during Payroll processing, the system will look for the Attendance Code to create an Attendance record.
  3. Select the Verify Available Hours indicator to allow accrued balances to update as part of payroll processing and allow available hours to be printed on employees' checks.
  4. To allow hours to be paid when an employee does not have enough hours accrued, select the Pay Hours in Arrears indicator, and verify that the Verify Avail Hours indicator is selected. This allows the earning to be paid despite an employee’s current hours accrued and allows the balance of hours to be negative.
  5. Save.

Note:  During payroll processing, the Benefit accruals will update the available hours before verifying and processing payment for the linked Earning Code. If accrual hours are properly setup with the Verify Available Hours indicator selected on the Earning Code, a system check will verify that the employee has hours available to be paid. Selecting this option for the Earnings Code also directs the system to show the Benefit Hours on the payment form (Check or ACH). When the Pay Hours in Arrears indicator is also selected, the earning may be paid even when an employee does not have enough hours are available and the system will show the balance of Benefit Hours on the payment form