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Employee Pending Transactions Detail
Employee Pending Transactions Detail
Fields on the Employee Pending Transactions Detail
All records displayed on the Employee Pending Transaction
are view-only.
- Employee
Number. The
employee whose transaction information is defined on this record is seen
in the Employee Number field.
- Transaction Type. The
transaction type code.
The status of each step is listed separately. The status
of a transaction step can be pending, approved, or rejected.
- Pending?
A pending step has not yet been finalized.
- Approved?
An authorized transaction step is marked Approved.
- Rejected?
A rejected transaction step is marked Rejected.
- Routing Type. The
Routing Type code for this step is listed,
based on the applicable policy.
- Task Routing Description. The
description of the task routing, based on the applicable policy, and the
description for that routing task.
- Approver.
approver code is listed.
- Review Date. The
date that the step was reviewed by the approver is listed as that step's
review date.
- Notify
Only? If the step was marked "Notify Only," its
Notify Only checkbox is selected.
Processed Information
- Processed?
If the transaction has a Processed status, the Processed checkbox
is selected.
- Finalized?
the transaction is finalized as approved or rejected, the Finalize checkbox
is selected.
- Comments.
comments for this transaction.
- Tran
Desc. The
description of this transaction.
- Default.
default supervisor for this transaction.