Time Overrides

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Detailed Payroll Entry

Manual Checks

Payroll Wizard

If you identify a row in the Pay Entry Spreadsheet to override, click on the row's override button in the OVR column.


Override Button

The Time Overrides dialog box shows the available override fields:  Hourly Rate, User Group, Time Begin Date, Time End Date, Work State, Tax Locality, Reference Info, Shift Premiums, and Labor Segments. Enter the information to override, and select the OKbutton to save your entries and return to the Payroll Entry screen.

Apply Time Overrides During Pay Entry

Pre-conditions:  Navigate to the Payroll Time Entry screen, for a payroll calendar that is un-posted and is not in gross-to-net status. Select an employee.

  1. Click on the row's image\ess_ellipsis.jpg override button in the OVR column.
  2. Select Labor Segments as defined by your companys business rules. Labor segments impact General Ledger accounting.
  3. Select Shift Premiums when required. When you select a premium, the amount displays in fields at the bottom of the spreadsheet for the current row and all rows. Shift premiums can be dependent on hourly fields or flat amounts as defined in validation tables per your companys business rules.
  4. Begin and End Dates are defaults of the selected payroll period. You can manually override these dates to reflect any differences in the actual begin and end dates of work for the pay period by typing the new dates in the spreadsheet fields or by setting new defaults in Spreadsheet Preferences. However, if either of the dates in the time record fall outside of the dates set for a payroll calendar Id, the records are not included when that payroll is run.
  5. Select the appropriate Check Code from the drop down list.
  6. Select a State Code, (required field) which is the state the employee completed the work in for each line.

In the case of employees who work in more than one state that collects state income tax, the system enters as default the state selected as the Work State for State Income Tax information on the Compensation tab of their Employee Master record.

Enter the second state earnings as a separate line on the spreadsheet and manually select the second state. The system tracks these earnings and taxes for year-end tax reporting.

  1. Tax Locality code is for companies that must accommodate city/ county/municipality taxes. Select this code if required in your company.
  2. Reference Information can be entered to notate a line.
  3. Enter your unique User Group Code as an identification field for batch totals to aid you in balancing the payroll entry phase of processing.
  4. Click OK to save the Time Overrides.