You are here: Workplace > - Document Icons
Document Icons
A variety of icons are available for the online company policies and documents. When each folder and file is added, the icon is a required selection.
The "foldr" icon for folders and
the "docs" icon
for files are two standard options.
The following list has each icon description followed by an illustration of that icon.
- about
- account
- accountspay
- accountsrec
- add
- addadmin
- addbk
- adddatabase
- addrecord
- addscript
- addtable
- addtocart
- addtrans
- adduser
- adfav
- administrator
- apps
- assets
- atm
- auction
- back
- bank
- barchart
- bid
- billing
- bkupdatabase
- bonds
- cal
- calc
- cancl
- cash
- category
- cd
- chart
- checkin
- checking
- checkout
- close
- collateral
- confg
- connect
- copy
- copyrecord
- credit
- creditcard
- currency
- cut
- database
- debit
- deladmin
- deldatabase
- deletetrans
- deleteuser
- delrecord
- delscript
- deltable
- deposit
- disconnect
- docs
- down
- edit
- editadmin
- editdatabase
- editrecord
- editscript
- edittable
- edittrans
- edituser
- exp
- exportdata
- fastf
- favs
- fax
- fees
- fields
- filter
- find
- findagain
- first
- flag
- foldr
- forms
- forwd
- fraud
- games
- giftcert
- go
- group
- hd
- help
- hist
- home
- image
- importdata
- impt
- insurance
- interest
- invest
- invoice
- last
- ledger
- lgicn
- liabilities
- linegraph
- link
- loan
- lock
- mail
- merchant
- mortgage
- move
- music
- new
- next
- notep
- ntwrk
- open
- opts
- paint
- paste
- pause
- phone
- picts
- piechart
- play
- prefs
- previous
- printmailinglabels
- printrecord
- prtpv
- purchase
- reconcile
- record
- redo
- ref
- relationships
- remov
- removecart
- reports
- restdatabase
- rewnd
- runscript
- sale
- savas
- save
- savings
- script
- security
- shipping
- signin
- signout
- sinfo
- skipb
- skipf
- smicn
- sortbydate
- sortbyname
- sortbyquantity
- splay
- srch
- stocks
- stop
- table
- tax
- timer
- tools
- transaction
- trash
- ulock
- undo
- up
- user
- user2
- web
- wiretransfer
- withdrawal
- wiz
- zoomi
- zoomo