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Employee Termination History

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Termination Wizard

Termination Codes

Created by the

Termination Wizard

Information seen on the

Termination Reports

Other details that may be accessed as part of terminations:

Employee Benefits

Employee Deductions

Employee Earnings

Employee Master or Time Master


An Employee Termination Detail record shows an employment separation, such as a termination or retirement, that was recorded through the employee Termination Wizard and shows when and why an employee ceased to employment with the organization. Exit interview information and the flag for re-hire eligibility are housed in this detail. A termination detail keeps a record of an employment separation even after an employee is re-hired.

Created automatically, a termination record cannot be added from the Employee Termination Detail screen. An existing termination record may be edited as needed.

The "View Check List Items" button provides a shortcut to review the employee's current available benefit hours and dollars, such as unused vacation time or unused sick hours. An organization's policies determine whether an employee is compensated for unused sick or vacation time at termination.

The employee Payroll Termination Date from the system termination wizard populated on the Employee Termination Detail screen.

Business Scenario

An employee gives two-weeks notice prior to resigning to relocate to another state. There is no reason not to consider this employee for re-hire, and the employee has 40 hours of unused vacation time with a value of $960.00. The business has a policy of paying unused vacation hours at termination.

On the employee's last day of work, Payroll pays the employee's final pay and vacation dollars through a manual check. Through the Termination Wizard, the business terminates the employee effective tomorrow and changes the employee's pay group to a pay group for terminated employees. The employee's forwarding address is entered on the employee's master record. Upon completion of the Termination Wizard, termination and exit interview information is transferred to a new Employee Termination Detail.