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Time Clock Transaction Codes Table



Time Clock Transaction 01 Code

Verify the Setup of a Time Clock Transaction

  1. Navigate to the Time Clock Transactions table. Choose a code to verify.
  2. Active?  Confirm that any code that a user should be able to select, on either the weekly timesheet or on the time off requests screen, is active. Codes for overtime processing can be de-activated to remove them from selection lists without impacting processing.
  3. Verify the code based on type.  
  1. Earning.  An Earning is for a transaction to create entries for an earning code. Each earning-transaction needs a valid Earnings Code selected for each relevant FLSA classification of earnings: FLSA Non Exempt Earnings, FLSA Exempt Earnings, 2x FLSA Exempt Earnings, and 2x FLSA Exempt Earnings. Additionally, some earning-transactions have other features selected in the Other Indicator checkbox selections.
  2. Deduction.  A Deduction is for a transaction to create entries for the Deduction Code selected in the Deduction Cd field.
  3. System Defined.  A System Defined transaction is for an entry that is neither an earning nor a deduction and is a pre-defined value in the system.
  1. Time Off?  If a record should be available for selection on the Time Off Requests screen, select the checkbox for Time Off.
  2. Select other indicators as needed.  
  1. If the record needs a change to a selection or the description, edit, make the changes, and then save the record.