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Company Document Management


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Company Documents are managed through an online company document loader that is designed to add or delete documents and folders. Documents and sub-folders depend on a main folder.

Authorization is required to manage company documents. To authorize a user to manage company documents, select "Manage Documents" on the Employee ESS PIN Detail.

A user who is authorized to manage company documents has a "New Document" link on the Company Documents screen.

From Company Documents, click on the "New Document>>" hyperlink to open the "Upload Company Document" tool.

To change a document for self-service, archive the document outside the system, change the document, delete it from the company documents, and re-add it to a folder in the company documents.

Optionally, organizations that use the employee onboarding wizard may want to add an "Onboarding Documents" level-1 folder to the Company Documents to provide additional documents for the end of the onboarding process. The Onboarding Documents folder and documents also will be listed on the Company Documents screen.

Business Scenario

A company handbook can be uploaded to a folder in the Company Documents.

Staff who have the Employee role can then access the handbook paperlessly and remotely.

A best practice is to keep an archive of company documents outside the system, in case an authorized user deletes the folder containing one or more documents.

Web Document Checklist

Pre-conditions:  Having a folder is a pre-condition to uploading a file. Create folders as needed. Confirm that each file has: