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Employee Out of Office

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Time Off Requests


An Employee Out of Office Detail substitutes one supervisor for another for system workflow approvals.

Based on the dates on an Employee Out of Office Detail, any transaction that the employee is responsible for approving will be re-assigned to the selected supervisor on the Employee Out of Office detail.

Roles for management, Payroll, and HR need to select the employee from the upper navigation bar on the main screen first and need to be able to select themselves in order to add an Out of Office Detail. The Employee Out of Office Detail is exempt from self-edit restrictions.

Business Scenario

When a supervisor is scheduled to be out of the office, your organization can add an Employee Out Of Office Detail record for the supervisor, so that the supervisor who is out of the office can have an alternate supervisor manage pending transactions that may be sent to the supervisor who is out.

Organizations are encouraged to create policies and add Employee Out Of Office Details as each particular organization deems appropriate. An Out of Office validation code is required to save an Employee Out Of Office Detail record. Out of Office validation codes are separate from with Attendance Type Codes, which are used for absence tracking on Employee Attendance (Absence) Details. Each organization should define its own Out Of Office Validation codes before using this feature.