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Report Filters

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Report Formats

Most reports can be filtered.  When the report filters display, select the Report Format along with other criteria.

Tab to Different Selection Criteria

Many reports have report filtering selection screens that have more than one tab.

Click on a tab to reveal its report filtering options.

CAUTION!  Do not select more than 99 report filtering items.


Some reports are pre-filtered without selection criteria. When you click on the Run Report hyperlink for a report with automatic filtering, the system bypasses the report filtering screen.


Some reports are designed with Custom filtering criteria that allow you to filter the report by Code or other pre-defined criteria.

Date Range

To filter data by a specific date range or a financial quarter, click on the Date Range tab.


For certain reports, you can click on the Find Employees hyperlink to open an Employee Search. (Typically, reports with employee filtering have an Employee tab on their filtering screens.)

After you define the employee search, click on the Search button.

The search results display on the filtering screen.

Select an employee or a list of employees by selecting the checkbox to the left of the Employee Number.


If a report's filtering screen has an Organization tab, you may click on the Organization tab and filter the data by organizational level.

For reports that have this filter, you may select reporting criteria by organizational levels known as Company and Tiers.

Filter the report by Company Code, or click on a Tier level then select a Tier Code to filter the data by organization level.

If you select a tier that does not have any codes defined for it, the report does not contain data. Most organizations do not use the full complement of Tier levels, and many only define levels down to the third tier.