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Recruitment Workflow Details
A dynamic workflow for Recruitment
is shown below.
Workflow for Recruitment
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Sample Recruitment Workflow
Parts of a Dynamic Workflow
Each workflow is identified by a code and description. A
drop-down selection list identifies the currently displayed workflow and
allows you to select another workflow.
Next to the workflow selection, a row of icons enables taking
action on the Workflow record: edit, delete, add, or clone.
Each workflow consists of one or more groups of steps called
a Phase.
Each of these steps is managed within the context of a workflow
A smaller Add icon underneath each Phase, enables adding
a new Phase.
On-Screen Instructions:
To choose an existing workflow, use the selection list.
Copy an Existing Workflow
A Workflow code acts as the container to hold the workflow
definition. As phases and items are built to define the overall workflow,
each phase and item are part of the workflow definition associated with
a particular Workflow code.
To copy an existing workflow, click on the Clone icon, enter
a Workflow Code, modify the Workflow Name, and save. Cloning includes
the phases.
Clone/Copy a Workflow Definition
Add the Next Phase
Phases are listed numerically, starting with "1.)".
To add the next Phase to a Workflow, click on the small Add
icon underneath the previous Phase. Enter the Phase Name and Save. For
a phase that includes an automatic screening or includes a questionnaire
with defined knockout questions and required scores, select the Auto Promote
checkbox and choose a Promotion Status.
Add a Phase to a Workflow
Every phase includes at least one item. A warning displays
when you add a phase:
"There are no items in this phase yet. Each phase
must contain at least 1 item."
Action Icons Under a Phase Name
Each Phase has a set of icons directly underneath the Phase
- Edit.
The small
Edit icon opens an edit panel to change the Phase Name, Auto Promote or
corresponding Promotion Status.
- Delete.
The small Delete icon is used to delete an entire phase.
- Add.
The small Add icon directly underneath the Phase Name is use to add items
to the Phase.
- Move
phase up or down. The small up or down button underneath a Phase
Name changes the order of the Phases.
The button is the "Move phase Up"
button when the phase is after the first phase.
The button is the "Move phase down"
button when the phase is the last in the list.
Add an Item to a Phase
An item is a task. It is something that is done as part
of the process. While a Phase Name is often descriptive, it doesn't define
the actual task.
To add an item to a Phase, click on the Add icon underneath
the Phase Name, define the item, and save. Required fields are marked
with a red asterisk.
Item types for recruitment workflow are:
- Candidate
Interview/Screening. Any type of interview or screening that your
organization identifies or conducts.
- Candidate
Questionnaire. A survey, test, or other questionnaire that the
candidate completes.
- Candidate
Rating. Any rating or scoring procedure not called a screening
or questionnaire.
- Email
Notification. Any task to automatically send a system message or
external email.
- Manager
Questionnaire. survey,
test, or other questionnaire that a supervisor or manager completes.
Basic Workflow Item Information
- Type.
differ depending on the type of item. Required fields are marked with
a red asterisk.
- Item
Name. The name of this workflow item.
- Routing
Type. How the item is routed for approval. Depending on the item
type, routing types are by Requisition, Supervisor, or Workgroup.
- Assigned
To. Who is responsible for completing an item?
- Rating
Method. How is this item rated? Items types are defined with pre-assigned
rating methods, such as Interview Recommendation, Pass / Fail, or Rating
- Visible
to Other Reviewers? Select to allow other reviewers to view the
- Require
Completion? Select to designate that an item must be completed
for a candidate to continue to the next phase. For instance, at some organizations,
a second interview may be optional, depending on the results of the first
Additional Information Per Type
Additional entries are available based on the selected Type.
A red asterisk designates required entries.
- For Candidate Interview/Screening,
select the Screening Type. Optionally, identify the Days to Complete,
Cost, Location, and Instructions. Save.
- For Candidate Questionnaire
Information, select the Questionnaire and the number of calendar Days
to Complete before the item expires. Save.
- For Candidate Rating,
select the Rating Profile. Optionally, define the number of calendar Days
to Complete. Save.
- For an Email Notification,
identify the Notification Template. Optionally, define the number of calendar
Days Until Notification. Save. (No Rating Type is available for an Email
- For Manager Questionnaire
Information, select the Questionnaire and the number of calendar Days
to Complete before the item expires. Save.