Dependent Listing

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Beneficiary Listing

Dependent Listing

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The dependent listing for an Employee Benefits Detail shows an employee's benefit-eligible dependents based on the coverage and whether those individuals are covered under that benefit detail.

Precondition:  Before anyone can be covered under a benefit plan as a child dependent or spouse/domestic partner, that individual must first be identified by having an Employee Contacts Detail record with the checkbox for "Benefit Eligible" selected along with the checkbox to identify the type of relationship: (a) "Child Dependent" for a child or (b) "Spouse/Domestic Partner" for a spouse or domestic partner. Also, the benefit plan and coverage level need to be defined to allow the type of dependent to be selected for the plan.

To open the beneficiaries listing for a benefit detail, go to that Employee Benefit Detail record, and click on the Beneficiaries button.

Business Scenario

An employee who adopts a child wants to enroll the child in the company's medical benefit plan. This can be completed through a self-service status change enrollment, where that is defined.

If a self-service status change enrollment is not available, a user with access to the Employee Benefits Detail can define the following records: Employee Contacts Detail for the adopted child, Employee Benefits Detail (either end date the existing plan and coverage or update it based on record-keeping and benefit carrier feed requirements), and Dependent listing information.