Employee Contacts

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Employee Information

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Contacts Detail


Contacts define who is an employee's eligible benefit recipient and who is the employee's emergency contact. On the Employee Contacts Detail screen, manage an employee's emergency contact, other contact, beneficiary, and dependent information.

If a contact is a dependent and/or beneficiary of any benefit or insurance, then information needs to be defined per Employee Benefit Detail for the plan, coverage, and date range.

Who needs an Employee Contacts Detail?  Each employee's emergency contact, beneficiary, spouse/domestic partner, and child dependents are defined with Employee Contacts Detail record. Beneficiaries and dependents are further defined with additional detail information per plan, coverage, and date range..


Contacts, including emergency contacts, dependents, and beneficiaries, are listed on the Employee Information profile.

Summary of Contacts

Summary of Contacts

Through optional employee self-service, information for contacts, dependents, and beneficiaries can be typed in by the employee and can be approved to populate these employee records.

Enterprise Client View

Employee Contacts Detail