Employee Status Codes

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About Codes

Temporary Employment List

Employment tab or Payroll tab



Employee Status Codes classify employment status for payroll processing and reporting purposes. An Employee Status Code defines whether the employee is currently working for the company and whether or not benefits and payments should be processed for the employee.

The Employee Status Codes Table provides the selection list for the Employment Status field on the Employment tab within the Employee Master.

The Employee Status impacts the Manager role's Employee selection list, log in by that employee (may be prohibited), whether an employee can have time entered or modified through online detailed Pay Entry, and benefit accrual processing.

Business Scenario

For instance, an employee may have been terminated, or an employee may be on a leave of absence. Where the Accrue Benefits checkbox is selected for the Employee Status Code, benefits continue to accrue. In addition, employees' assigned employment statuses are used to produce the Employee Turnover Report.

In many cases, the system relies on specific Employee Status Codes for system functions, for instance:

Employee Status and the Manager Security Group

For the Manager role and any user with the MANAGER security group on his or her ESS PIN Detail, whether or not retired employees are included is partially controlled by the Employee Status Code. This is because the MANAGER security group filters the Employee selection list to only those employees who are assigned to that ESS Manager (on the Organization tab) and who have an Employment Status assignment that is defined to process payroll. That list can be further defined by the latest search list selections by the user, but the filtering logic remains enforced.

More About Employee Status

An employee's Employee Status code (EmployeeStatusCd), which is seen on the Employment tab within the Employee Master (PER_EMPLOYMENT), identifies an employee's payroll processing status as "Process" or "Suspend".  An easy way to see this through the online system is to look at the Employment tab.

Employee Status and Online Detailed Payroll Entry

From the detailed online Payroll Entry screen, an employee with an Employee Status defined to "Suspend Processing" cannot have time entered or modified. A message line indicates, "[The employee] is suspended from payroll processing. Time cannot be entered."

Employee Status and Online Login

On the Employee Status Code, having the "Terminated Employee" option selected effectively blocks users from being able to log into ESS with any role except ONBOARD, which would not be assigned to a terminated or retired employee.

Employee Status and the Main Employee Selection List

For a web role such as Payroll & HR Enterprise, employees of all statuses, whether terminated or not, are normally available if the user completes a search that includes those employees and adds those employees to his or her list of employees. If this is not the preferred setup, advanced security setup can be defined to exclude these employees either as part of implementation or as a later setup change.

Employee Status and the Employee Message Center

The "To" list in the Employee Message Center hides employees who lack an active payroll processing status, based on the employee's Employment Status. Typically, such employees are terminated, on a non-paid leave of absence, or are retired; however, this depends on the setup of the applicable Employee Status Code.