Employee I-9 Data Detail

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Employee HR Details

Employee I-9 Report


To report on Form I-9 paperwork, record employment authorization information on Employee I-9 Data Details. In addition, keep the signed and dated paper copies of I-9 forms on file for auditing purposes.

Business Scenario

When an employee is first hired, use the actual I-9 form and consult your Human Resource Administrator for clarification of the requirements for reporting and maintaining I-9 information. Verification of information on the government's I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form is an employer's responsibility and non-compliance can result in fines and penalties. For ease of data entry, fields on this screen mimic the paper I-9 form.

Complete and verify the hard-copy of the employee's I-9 form before entering data into the Preparer and/or Translator and the Employer Review and Verification sections.

File the original I-9 according to your organization's policies. For more information about completing and storing the I-9, refer to the USCIS.