Employee OSHA Physicians Visit

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OSHA Cases

To record information for an employee who visits a physician regarding an OSHA incident, add an OSHA Physician Visits Detail record.

For instance, depending on the extent of an on-the-job injury, a physician visit may be required.

Be sure to comply with all regulations and reporting requirements.

The Attachment Manager is available from this screen.

Employee Physician Visits Detail

Employee OSHA Physician Visits Detail

  1. Navigate to the OSHA Physician Visits Detail screen.  Select the Employee.  Click on Add.
  2. OSHA Case No.  Select the OSHA Case No you need to reference. The OSHA case number selections come from the OSHA Case Detail records.

Visit Information

  1. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Results.  Enter the injury Diagnosis, Treatment received, and any Results of the treatment.
  2. Date of the Visit.  Select the Date of the Visit.
  3. Next Visit.  Select the date of the Next Visit if a follow-up visit is scheduled.

Physician Information

  1. Physicians Name. Enter the Physicians Name, address and telephone information in the Physician Information section.
  2. Save.