Employee OSHA Cases

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OSHA Physician Visits


Records on the Employee OSHA Cases Detail and OSHA Physicians Visits Detail supply the information for OSHA record keeping and illness and injury reporting.

For OSHA mandated illness and injury reporting, record a work-related injury or illness on the OSHA Case Details screen. Define the case number, and complete fields in accordance with instructions for OSHA's Forms 300 and 301.

Record physician visits on the OSHA Physician Visits Detail screen.

Business Scenario

An employee is injured on the job. Record the work-related injury or illness on a new OSHA Case Detail record.

Depending on the extent of an on-the-job injury, a physician visit may be required. For employees on leave or on the job, when an employee visits a physician regarding an OSHA incident, add an OSHA Physician Visits Detail record.

Be sure to comply with all regulations and reporting requirements.