Tax Rate Codes

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Tax Codes Table


Tax Codes may reference a Tax Rate Code. A selected Use Rate Table checkbox on a Tax Code causes the affected Tax Code to process according to the parameters on the code's Tax Rate Table that has that specific Tax Code selected on it.

Typically, access to the validation table for tax rate codes is unavailable through the web portals.

To access the Tax Rates Codes Table from the Tax Codes Table (if a Tax Rate Table is used for calculating the tax), click on the Rates button located to the right of the Use Rate Table checkbox.

The Tax Code Rate screen displays the Tax Rate Table in the secondary window. From this window, a Tax Rate Table can be edited or added. Each tax rate has a section for "Tax Processing Information:" a selection list for the Tax Code and fields to enter the Tax Amount or Percentage, Supplement Rate, Wage Limit, Exemption value, and Check Begin and End dates.