Employee Delete

Related Topics


Employee Data Maintenance

Employee Terminations


The Employee Delete Wizard permanently removes an employee from the system by deleting master and detail records.

Using the Employee Delete Wizard is advised when the employee to be deleted was hired into the wrong client system, the employee has no time entry records, and no payrolls have processed that include the employee.

To protect against deleting employees with payroll history in the system, the employee delete wizard won't delete employees who have payroll history records. An employee with an established payroll history can be terminated through the Employee Termination Wizard instead.

CAUTION!  Deleting an employee is NOT reversible Consider the business rules and federal, local, and state regulations that govern record retention. .

Business Scenario

An individual who never worked for the organization and has no time entry or payroll history was hired into the system. To correct this, the Employee Delete Wizard is used to remove the individual's employee records.