Demographic Employee Photo

Related Topic

Demographics Tab


The HR Employee Master has a demographics tab with an option to display a photograph of the employee.

Adding a Photo: To Upload a Photo of an Employee

To include a photograph of the employee, add an attachment called photo to the demographics tab.

Pre-condition:  You will need a photo of an employee that is a square and less than 500 pixels by 500 pixels. The photo can be a BMP, GIF, JPEG, or PNG. Most digital cameras and camera-phones take rectangular pictures that will need to be edited in an art or photography program before the photos can be used on the demographics tab. A photo that is close to a square, with a maximum deviation of 0.1, is accepted as a demographics photo. Photos that don't meet these specifications can be uploaded with a different description for access through the attachments window.

  1. Go to the Employee Master, and click on the Demographics tab.
  2. Select the employee.
  3. Edit.
  4. Click on the attachment icon.  In the Attachments window, if an attachment has the description "photo", click on its Delete hyperlink to delete it.
  5. Type photo in the Attachment description field.
  6. Browse for and select the image file.
  7. Click Upload. When you click "Upload" for an image with the photo description, then a validation check confirms photo dimensions.  If the photo is valid for use as a demographics photo, then
  8. Close the attachments window.
  9. To see the new photo, refresh your view of the tab by clicking on Cancel on the demographics tab or on the Refresh button.

To upload a different photograph, delete the attachment described as photo, and upload a new attachment with a file name of photo.


Here is an example of an employee photo that meets the specifications.  

Sample Employee Photo

Here is the attachment manager before the user clicks "Upload".

Attachments Window

Sample Employee Photo

Here is the photo on the Demographics tab.

Employee Demographics Tab

Sample Employee Photo on the Demographics Tab

Employee Demographics Tab

Attached Photo Seen from the Attachment Manager

"Image width or height cannot exceed 500x500 pixels."

A photo needs to be less than 500 pixels by 500 pixels to be accepted as the demographics photo.

Modify the image in an art or photography program and try again, or upload the file as a standard attachment with a description such as large photo instead of photo.

"Invalid image aspect ratio. The photo must be as close to a square as possible. The image is too tall and will not display properly. The photo must be as closer to a square."

To be uploaded as the photo for the demographics tab, a photo needs to be square or have a difference of less than 0.1 when the length is compared to the width.

Modify the image in an art or photography program and try again, or upload the file as a standard attachment with a description such as large photo instead of photo.

For instance, a photo that is 230 by 260 pixels isn't accepted because its width divided by its height is approximately 0.88, which is a deviation of 0.12, and is greater than the 0.1 deviation that is accepted for a demographics photo. Cropping one edge of the photo to 240 pixels (using a program such as Microsoft® Office Picture Manager®) and saving the file corrects this, and the new file can then be uploaded for display on the demographics tab.