Demographics Tab

Related Topics

EEO and Vets-100 Compliance

Employee Master

Employee Photo

New Hires


The HR Employee Master has demographics and an option to include a photograph of the employee. The Employee Demographics tab contains personal information about the employee. 

Manage demographics data for:

Demographics information can include birth date, birth location, gender, ethnicity, marital status (not for W-4 tax filing), military status, primary language, secondary language; indicators for disabled, student, pension eligible (not for W-2 purposes), willingness to travel and percentage of work hours will travel, willingness to relocate and to what region, if any. In addition, some of the information contained on this screen can be used for benefit information, such as indicators for Smoker, Disabled, Student for medical insurance purposes, and a "Highly Compensated" flag for use in 401(k) discrimination testing.

Validation tables supply the selections.

The next tab on the Employee Master is the Employment tab.

Business Scenario

During the application process and at new hire, employee demographics information is collected.

Employee demographics information is used to compile statistical reports for Equal Employment Opportunity compliance. The demographics tab enables editing information that is crucial to EEO reporting.