Create Auto Pays – the Auto Pays Wizard

Related Topics


Time Entry Instructions  

Auto Pay Definitions

Auto Create Time Entry Table

Employee Auto Pay Details


The Auto Pays wizard creates a batch of detailed earning records for a payroll calendar based on group Auto Create Time Entry definitions and individual Employee Auto Pay Details.

When creating auto pays, the Auto Pays Wizard populates detailed pay entry for the specified Payroll Calendar with data from applicable auto pay definitions. These automatic payments can be adjusted or deleted during detailed pay entry.

Other options on the "Create Auto Pays" screen are available to copy time from a previously posted payroll or delete auto pays.

Create Auto Pays for a Payroll Calendar

  1. Pay Group.  On the Auto Pays Wizard, select the Pay Group that you are processing payroll for.
  2. Payroll Calendar.  Select the Payroll Calendar that you are processing payroll for.

On-Screen Instructions:  This function will create employee auto pay records for the payroll calendar you specify.

  1. Create Auto Pay Records.  Click on the option to Create Auto Pay Records.
  2. Finish.  Click on Finish, and when prompted, select OK to continue

The process automatically completes creating auto pays, and a dialog notifies you that the auto pays were created.  Click OK.

An Auto Pay record can be edited or deleted on the Payroll Entry screen. Follow the Pay Entry instructions to adjust automatically generated Auto Pay records.

Note:  If auto-pays are deleted for a pay group and payroll calendar, these records only re-generate when "Create Auto Pay Records" is processed for the group and calendar.

Processing Logic

Settings on the payroll calendar, Auto Create Time Entry Table, and Employee Auto Pay Details control the creation of auto pays.  An Employee Auto Pay Detail for an earning overrides any group auto pay for that earning that would otherwise apply to the employee due to settings on the Auto Create Time Entry Table.

Auto-pay creation is limited according to the effective dates and for employee auto pay details, the payroll calendar's payroll of the month number and the process payroll flags on the employee's auto pay record.

Active auto pay details only will be created under these conditions:
  1. Auto pays are generated through the Create Auto Pays Wizard, online Payroll Wizard, or process hours for weekly time sheets. Through the Payroll Wizard, auto pays automatically are created for a scheduled payroll when the payroll is first brought to the time entry step.
  2. The selected Payroll Calendar includes the employee.
  3. The auto pay's Begin Date and End Date fall within the Beginning and Ending payroll period dates for the Payroll Calendar. The auto pay's end date can be left blank.
  4. The payroll process number on the detail coincides with the payroll of the month (for auto pays defined on the Employee Auto Pay Detail).

Note: To delete a single auto-generated time record, open Payroll Entry, delete the row, and save.

Delete Auto Pays for a Payroll Calendar

If there is an error in creating the Auto Pays, go back to the Auto Pay Wizard, and select the auto pays be deleted. 

  1. Pay Group. On the Auto Pays Wizard, select the Pay Group that you are processing payroll for.
  2. Payroll Calendar. Select the Payroll Calendar that you are processing payroll for.
  3. Choose to delete auto pays.
  4. Finish. Click on Finish, and when prompted, select OK to continue

This deletes the Auto Pay records created for that Payroll Calendar ID.  You can then re-create the auto-pays using the original process.