Employee Discipline

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Employee Information

Employee HR Details

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Validation Tables

Discipline Action Codes

Discipline Codes Table


Employee Discipline Details track employee infractions against company policies, business rules, and laws. Record circumstances, dates, and consequences.

The Discipline Actions Codes Table is used to assign a standard disciplinarian action to a discipline infraction. The Discipline Codes Table is set up to standardize disciplinary events, assign a disciplinary action and penalty points or demerits, and to indicate if union contact is necessary. These codes' parameters populate a new Employee Discipline Detail record after the Discipline Code is selected.

Discipline Detail

The Employee Information profile provides a list of the employee's disciplinary event details, if any.

Summary of Discipline Details

Summary of Discipline Details

Business Scenario

To setup for recording discipline events for employees, Human Resource personnel may want to create/verify created Discipline Codes and Discipline Action Codes according to your organization's policies and terms.

If an employee is terminated as the result of a disciplinarian infraction, the Employee Discipline Detail screen provides a place for the HR department to record such actions prior to termination.