Employee ESS Date Notifications


Message Center


See also: Send a Message

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You can define a event on the self-service calendar.

The Employee ESS Date Notification is used to define events per employee.

Roles for management, Payroll, and HR need to select the employee from the upper navigation bar on the main screen first and need to be able to select themselves in order to add reminders for themselves. The Employee ESS Date Notifications Detail is exempt from self-edit restrictions.

To add, modify, or delete events, click on "My Reminders" on the reminders panel or "My Calendar Events" under the calendar on the home page to open the "Employee ESS Date Notification" screen.

Employee ESS Date Notifications

Employee ESS Date Notification

Employee ESS Date Notifications

Add an Event

  1. Add.  Click the Add icon .
  2. Employee Number.  An Employee ESS Date Notification is per employee.  Often, you will be defining a personalized notification for yourself. The Payroll Role and the Payroll & HR Role can define events for others.
  3. Date of Event.  Type or choose the Date of Event.
  4. Notify Me.  Enter the number of days before the date of the event that you want a reminder sent.
  5. Subject Text.  Type the subject line for the reminder.  
  6. Notification Message.  Type the message for the notification.  
  7. Save. Click the Save icon .

Modify an Event

Choose an Event

  1. Choose.  Choose the event by its subject.
  2. Edit.  Click the Edit icon .  The employee cannot be changed when editing an event.
  3. Date of Event.  Optionally, type or choose a different date.
  4. Notify Me.  Optionally, change the number of notification days.
  5. Subject Text. Optionally, delete or type a different subject line for the notification.   
  6. Notification Message.  Optionally, type the message for the notification or delete the message text.  
  7. Save. Click the Save icon .

Remove an Event

  1. Choose.  Choose the event by its subject.
  1. Delete. Click the Delete icon .
  2. Are you sure you wish to delete this record?  Click OK in response to the prompt.

Close Employee ESS Date Notifications

To close "Employee ESS Date Notifications," click on its X-button: .

Note: A Notification Template with the system event "CustomEmployeeNotification" needs to be active for the Employee ESS Date Notification to send a notification.