Check View

Related Topic

Employee Payroll Details


Check View is an interactive tool to access detailed information about an employee's check or direct deposit for a posted payroll. It provides an alternative to reviewing payroll reports.

Review a snap shot of what an employee was paid for a specific pay period on screen. See what benefits and deductions were taken, what time was entered, and how the hours were distributed. Datasets include pay entry time, payroll distribution, earnings, deductions, taxes, net pays, and benefits.

View Check View

  1. Navigate:  To open check view, choose Pay Check Detail from the Employee menu. Alternatively, choose "Check View" from the Employee Workflow map for payroll.
  2. On Screen Instructions:  Select a check for this employee and then choose one of the datasets to view.
  1. To change the selected employee, choose the employee from the upper navigation bar.
  2. Select a payment (by marking a checkbox).
  3. Click one of the buttons to display additional detail (a dataset): View Stub, Pay Entry Time, Payroll Distribution, Earnings, Deductions, Taxes, Net Pays, or Benefits.

Result:  For a dataset, the Check Detail View Detail displays.

  1. On Screen Instructions:  Here is a detailed view of this check. You can change the parameters using the drop downs below.

From the Check View Detail, optionally, select a different Dataset, Employee, Pay Calendar, or Check Code, if the selected employee was paid on multiple check codes for the selected pay calendar.

To return to the main Check View screen, click on the "Back to check listing" link.

More About the Pay Entry Time Dataset

For pay entry time, the check-view time record descriptions begin with a letter to indicate how the time was entered and if it is non-paid. If the description begins with:

More About the Earnings Dataset

On an earning check-view description, an asterisk * means non-paid (i.e. wages worked not chosen).

More About the Deductions Dataset

For check-view deductions, employer-paid deductions are displayed with an asterisk "*" before the description.

More About the Payroll Distribution Dataset

For payroll distribution, labor segments one through four display along with the distribution percentage.

Net Pay Code Hyperlink on the Net Pays View

A net pay code hyperlink on the Net Pays view provides access to the online paycheck stub view.

To open the Paycheck Stub View, click on the Net Pays button and then click on the net pay code link in the Net Pay column. Result: The online Paycheck Stub View displays for the selected net pay.

To return to the Check View Detail from the Paycheck Stub View, click on "Back to check listing."