Employee Check View Detail


On Screen Instructions:  Select a check for this employee and then choose one of the datasets to view.

Check View

Check View Details  

Check View Detail

On Screen Instructions:  Here is a detailed view of this check. You can change the parameters using the drop downs below.

Check View Detail

Check View Details for the Taxes

Check View Detail Screen

To see the online payroll check summary, click on the link for a payment in the Net Pay column.

To see particular types of details, from the Check View screen, select a payment, and click one of the buttons.

An asterisk * on a check-view earning description means non-paid (i.e. wages worked not chosen).

An asterisk * on a check-view deduction description means an employer-paid deduction.

To change the detail shown, choose a different dataset, pay calendar, or check code.

To return to the main Check View screen, click on the "Back to check listing" link.