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Required Fields

A screen object that allows you to enter or select data is called a field. There are different types of visible fields used on screens throughout the system.

To move from field to field on a screenyou can either press the Tab key or move your cursor with your mouse to the next field and click directly on it.

Fields have certain characteristics that are verified by a validation check by the system when data is saved to the system, such as formatting in a date field. Validation also includes checking to ensure that all required fields are completed. A field may be required for regulatory, reporting, or for processing purposes.

Character Fields

Some fields allow you to type in data using alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. Referred to as Character Fields, these fields can be fixed in length or have a very large storage capacity, depending on the characteristics and validation properties of the field.

The first line of an Address field, seen on the Employee Master, is an example of a fixed length field. Fields used for entering Notes or Comments on a view have a large storage container. From the Employee Master, select the Browse Details tab, and then open the Correspondence Detail to see an example of a Comments field.

Numeric Fields

Numeric fields are usually fixed in length, can be formatted to automatically fill with zeros, and may include defined decimal formatting. No special characters (i.e. $/, /%) are used in Numeric fields. To enter ten thousand dollars, enter 10000.00. Twenty-two years would be entered as 22. Numeric fields are used throughout the system.

Not every field labeled No or Number is a numeric field. For example, the Social Security Number field on the Employee Master is a character field allowing alpha, numeric, or special characters to be entered. Social Security number validation rules are applied to help avoid mistakes in entering Social Security numbers.

Logic Fields

Logic fields are Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off. Logic fields return a 1 for Yes/True/On and a 0 for No/False/Off in the database. On a screen, Logic fields usually are seen as radio buttons or a checkbox indicator.

On the Compensation tab within the Employee Master, the option indicators are available for selection to indicate if an employee falls under FLSA Overtime rules or Standard Overtime rules.

A checkbox indicator can be seen on the same screen to indicate if an employee is Exempt from FIT taxation.

Date Fields

In Date fields, enter dates manually in MM/dd/YYYY format or select a date from the Date Picker using the Date Picker button. January 26, 1987 would be entered as 01/26/1987.

In some cases, date fields pre-populate with the system-date from your PC. These pre-populating dates may be changed. (Be sure regional date settings on your computer have been set to MM/dd/YYYY format).

Selection List Fields

A selection list, also known as a drop-down list field or pick-list, usually derives from a validation table. A downward arrow at the end of the field indicates the field is a selection list field.

To use a selection list, click on the downward arrow at the end of the field, and, from the displayed list, click on the desired selection.  

For example, the W2 Type field on the Compensation tab within the Employee Master is derived from the W2 Type validation codes table.

Default Value

Many fields automatically populate. This means that data entered and saved into one part of the system is automatically available in other parts of the system.

A field with a Default Value is a field-value that automatically populates a field, yet the user can edit it. The Default Value comes indirectly from a validation table. The Default Value may be a calculated value using information from the Employee Master combined with information on one or more Code tables.

For instance, the Employee Cost field on the Employee Benefit Details screen has a default value. The system divides the Employee Annual Cost entered on the Benefit Cost Code by the Pay Frequency determined by the Pay Group Code selected on the Compensation tab within the Employee Master. When the information is linked to the employee on the Benefits Detail screen, the Employee Cost is calculated and displayed as the default value.