Paid Holiday Codes

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Paid Holiday Policy Codes


Each Paid Holiday Code is used to define a specific paid holiday and is associated with a particular Paid Holiday Policy code.

The system object name of the Paid Holiday Codes Table is VAL_TK_PAIDHOLIDAY.

How Paid Holidays Work

Paid holiday codes and policies are designed to be used with the self-service Weekly Timesheets.

A Paid Holiday Policy is selected on each Paid Holiday Code.

An employee has a "Paid Holiday" policy on the Attendance tab within the Payroll Timekeeping Employee Master.

Completing "Process Hours" for the Payroll Calendar populates automatic paid holiday hours in the weekly timesheet and in detailed pay entry. This provides "look back" information on the weekly timesheets, but automatic paid holiday hours cannot be modified on the weekly timesheets because processing hours locks the weekly timesheet and hours need to be processed to view the automatic holiday hours.