Competency Codes Table


To access the Competency Codes Table in most systems, you can select:

Performance (menu)> Review Setup > Talent Profiles > Click on the Small Add or Edit icon > Ellipses button next to the Competency field (illustrated below).


Competency Codes Validation Table

Competency Codes Validation Table Screen Shot

Fields on a Competency Code

Creating a Competency Code

  1. Open the Competency codes table. To start adding a new record, click on the Add icon.
  2. Code (required). Enter a code of up to ten letters and/or numbers that refer to or summarize the competency. Avoid special characters, avoid spaces, and avoid punctuation in code fields.
  3. Active?  Confirm the Active checkbox is selected.
  4. Description (required).  Describe the competency in thirty characters or less. Spaces can be used. Avoid special characters and limit punctuation to hyphens and underscores only.
  5. Summary.  Describe the competency in more detail in the summary field. Punctuation in this field may include commas, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
  6. Rating Tips. Rating Tips provide guidelines to help the individual rating an employee's competencies for succession planning.  Enter up to ten rating tips.
  7. Save.