New Hire Wizard


New Hire Panel 1

Panel 1, New Hire Wizard

Hire a New Employee

Complete all relevant information in the Employee New Hire Wizard. Entries automate the creation of records and reduce later data entry.

Panel 1

New Hire Panel 1

Panel 1, New Hire Wizard (Reduced Size)

  1. Open the New Hire Wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions.  

On-Screen Instructions:  Select an existing applicant by Applicant Number, or select an onboarded employee. Choose Non Applicant to enter all new information.

Note:  If you don't complete required fields, and you click on Next, then system will highlight the required fields until you complete the required entries and continue.

Click on Next to continue.

Panel 2

New Hire Panel 2

New Hire Wizard: Personal and Address


Verify (or enter) the new employee's primary home address in the fields provided: Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip.

Click Next to continue.

Panel 3

New Hire Panel 3

New Hire Wizard: Demographics and Employment


  1. The Demographics section migrate information to the Demographics tab within the Employee Master. Demographic information can be automatically completed from the applicant record, completed in the wizard screen, or completed later in the Employee Master.


Click Next to continue. The next step is used to enter some of the payroll and compensation information.

Panel 4

New Hire Panel 4

 New Hire Wizard: FIT and SIT

Payroll Information

  1. Complete the payroll and tax information.

FIT Information

For the FIT Information section, complete federal income tax information.

SIT Information

Note: If the employee resides and works in the same state, the Resident Tax State on the FIT Information and the Work Tax State on the SIT Information are the same.

After the new hire, add any additional Employee Tax Detail records needed. Confirm compliance with state withholding laws. An employee residing in one state and working in another may be liable for withholding taxes in both states and filing a Non-Resident State Tax Return at year-end.

Local Information

Click Next to continue.

Panel 5

New Hire Panel 6  

New Hire Wizard: Compensation and Assignment Information


  1. Compensation fields are critical to payroll processing and should be completed with care. Compensation fields calculate the Annual Pay, Pay Period Pay, and Hourly Pay found in the Compensation tab within the Employee Master.


The Assignment section will populate fields found on the Assignment tab within the Employee Master record.

Click Next to continue.

If position control is activated, clicking Next checks the budget for the position. If this new hire will cause the budgeted dollars or FTE allocation to be exceeded, a warning prompt displays. Click OK. If you would like to make a change, return to the previous step to change the new hire's assigned position or cancel the new hire.

Panel  6

New Hire Panel 7

New Hire Wizard, Panel 6

Organization Information

  1. Fields on this screen populate fields on the Assignment tab within the Employee Master. Select the appropriate organization tiers for the new hire's position in the organization. Each employee must be assigned to organizational (tier) levels within the organization for HR purposes.

Result: The assigned supervisor who is the employee's ESS Manager will have authorization to view and update records for the employee if Manager Self Service is used.

  1. Click Finish to hire the new hire into the system. Result: A system prompt displays to verify that you wish to hire this employee.
  2. Click OK.

Results:  If you click on the OK button in response to the prompt, the system will process the new hire. The new hire may take a few moments to process.

When the employee is successfully added to the system, a confirmation message box displays. The wizard migrates the entered information into a new Employee Master record with an Employee Number and an Employee Identifier of 1.

  1. Click OK.

New Hire Prompt


New Hire Message


New Hire Prompt

New Hire Confirmation and Access to Payroll Details at the End of the New Hire Process

New Hire Confirmation

New Hire Confirmation and Details

  1. Click on a button to open the detail screen. Add and edit relevant detail records as needed. Have a payroll-knowledgeable person complete or review the Payroll New Hire Details for each new hire. To close the detail's secondary window, click on the cancel button in its right corner.
  1. Click Finish.

Results:  The wizard will ask if you would like to hire another employee.

You may opt to click OK to return to the first Panel of the New Hire Wizard. Otherwise, click Cancel. Later, navigate to the Employee Master, verify and enter further information as needed.

The results of the Employee New Hire wizard are described in the Overview topic for New Hires.