Employment Tab: Field by Field


Employment Tab within the Employee Master

Employment Tab

Fields on the Employment Tab Information

Employment Information

When the employment status is ACTIVE, a message to the right of the field states Payroll Processing Status >>>Process Payroll, meaning this employee is active for payroll processing. To see which employment statuses are defined as active for payroll processing, navigate to the Employee Status Codes Table.   Employment status is updated through termination processing.

Payroll Processing Status

For an active, current employee, the message is "Payroll Processing Status >> Process Payroll."

For a terminated employee, the message would be "Payroll Processing Status >> Suspend Payroll Processing." Refer to the Payroll topic for more information.

Leave of Absence Information

Temporary Employment Information

Effective Dates

The Effective Dates section records dates used for benefit eligibility qualification and reporting.

Benefit Profile/Class

How to Edit the Employment Tab for an Employee’s LOA

  1. Select the Employee who is going on a leave of absence.  Go to the Employee Master. Click on the Employment tab. Click Edit.

Employment Information

  1. Select the Employment Status (Employee Employment Status) for the type of absence and whether the employee will continue to be paid.
  2. Record the actual return to work date in the Actual End Date field. Verify the Actual Begin date of the Leave of Absence.

Leave of Absence Information

  1. Select the Attendance Code.
  2. Enter the Start Date for the leave of absence.
  3. Verify that the Start and End Dates reflect the actual dates entered on the Employee Attendance Detail for the leave of absence.
  4. Save.  Click the refresh button.  Results: Once your system is refreshed, the message displayed to the right of the Employment Status field will update the Payroll processing directive for the employee according to the selected employment status.