Mass Salary Change

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The Mass Salary Change Wizard records a percentage increase or decrease in compensation for multiple employees, or a group of employees, at one time. Completing the wizard creates new employee salary details, and salary-update batch processing later puts the new rates into effect.

Business Scenario

Anytime that bulk salary increases are approved for cost of living (COL) adjustments or department increases, the Mass Salary Change Wizard can be used to record percentage-based salary changes for multiple employees or a group of employees.

The Mass Salary Change wizard accepts percentages as decimal values.

For instance, a department grants a 2.5% cost of living increase to all departmental employees and records the increase as 2.5  through the Mass Salary Change Wizard.

  1. Search for and select members of the department. The list of employees is replaced with only those employees in the department.
  2. On the Mass Salary Change Wizard, enter 2.5 as the percentage change.
  3. Complete the wizard. Results create new Employee Salary Detail records for every affected employee.
  4. On or after the effective date, you can process a salary update batch date to put rates into effect on employees' master records and mark the salary change as posted. Automatic salary-update batch processing on or after the effective date also puts the new compensation rates into effect and marks the salary change as posted.

Results of the Mass Salary Change Wizard on an Employee Salary Detail

As a result of the Mass Salary Change wizard, an Employee Salary Detail record is created for each selected employee as follows.