Employee Review Details


Employee Reviews When No Reviews/Employees are Available to Display


Active Employee Reviews


Employee Review History


When no employees or reviews are available, start a new review cycle by clicking on the link for "Create Employee Review Workflows" then complete and save the "Create Employee Review Information" screen.

Create an Employee Review Workflow

To add employee reviews, click on the link for "Create Employee Review Workflows".

Review Information

  1. Select the Review Event.  Selecting the Review Event may auto-fill the Review Title, Workflow, Period Begin Period End, and organizational units.
  2. Enter the Review Title.
  3. Select the review Workflow.
  4. Define the Period Begin Date and Period End Date.

Employee Selection

  1. Select the organizational units to filter the employee list. Company is preset based on the Review event.  Optionally, select Location, Department, Tier 3, Tier 4, Job, Position, and/or Supervisor's Reports (the specific supervisor code that the employees report to). To filter the list of employees based on the employee selection criteria, click Apply Filter. The filtered list displays on the left.
  2. Move employees to the list of selected employees by clicking on All next to the employee list. That moves the list into the Selected Employees column.
  3. Refine the list by clicking on an employee's name to move the employee to the opposite column.
  4. Click on Save.

"Create Employee Review" Setup Panel